
HomeInvestor Relations

Investor Relations

Company Profile

TOT BIOPHARM International Company Limited dedicates to developing and commercializing innovative oncology drugs and therapies. Our mission is to build a leading brand in oncology treatment trusted by patients and their families as well as medical professionals in China.


Leveraging on its open technology platforms and commercial production capabilities, TOT BIOPHARM is accelerating the expansion of its “one stop, one base” CDMO/CMO business to provide customers with one-stop CDMO/CMO solutions from R&D, process development, clinical trials, registration and filing to commercial production, thereby satisfying the diversified demand for products such as ADC drugs, mAb drugs and chemical drugs.


TOT BIOPHARM (Stock Code: 1875.HK) was successfully listed on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited on 8 November 2019, which marks the Company's formally entrance into the international capital market.

Registered Office
5/F, Manulife Place,348 Kwun Tong Road,Kowloon, Hong Kong
Legal Advisers
Sullivan & Cromwell (Hong Kong) LLP
Headquarters and Principal Place of Business in the PRC
120 Changyang Street, Suzhou Industrial Park, Suzhou, the PRC
Joint Company Secretaries
Mr. Chen, Yifan Mr. Lui, Wing Yat Christopher
Company Website
Authorized Representatives
Dr. Liu, Jun Mr. Lui, Wing Yat Christopher
Stock Code